What is the 1821 Club?
Recalling your days at the Gamma Nu house on the University of Minnesota campus, 1821 University Avenue is the address where you used to get your mail, meet between classes, hosted great social events, studied for finals, and occasionally slept (what little sleep we all got as active members).
The “1821 Club” was established by The Alpha Tau Omega Foundation of Minnesota on January 1, 2000 to provide direct scholarships to deserving active and pledge members of the Gamma Nu Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity studying at the University of Minnesota. Do you remember what it was like being an active ATO – trying to find a few bucks to pay for dues, books, or a social activity on campus?
Scholarships are an important part of attracting quality members to ATO as well.
Here’s how you can help:
Custom design you own pledge (by check or via PayPal)
You may designate your donation as a memorial, or thank you, for an ATO member please tell us how you want your pledge designated.
Payment Options:
1. By check: Please make a check payable to “Alpha Tau Omega Foundation of Minnesota, Inc.” and mail to:
Alpha Tau Omega Foundation of Minnesota, Inc.
c/o Cody Ayres
2604 Cheyenne Circle
Minnetonka, MN 55305
2. Via PayPal at the link below. Thank you for supporting the ATO Foundation’s scholarships and the active chapter!